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  2. Create a new promotional campaign

Create a new promotional campaign

Use – Create new campaign – to open the wizard.

You will be guided through the following four steps to create a new campaign.

1. Duration and validity

Assign a campaign name to each series of vouchers for easier reference. The campaign can be limited in duration. Vouchers will be accepted by edoobox during the indicated duration time only.

Whether the campaign shall be eligible to one or more of the categories you offer can be set in the “Validity range” field. Use the “Scope” field to search for categories or offers (start typing few letters to prompt display of all available entries from your catalogue) and select entries according to your requirement. Depending on your selection, a voucher will be valid for one or more subsequent offerings.

In case you want to extend the campaign to be eligible for your entire catalogue, prompt the context menu to display your edoobox account name via typing the short name of it and select your main account ShortName[ALL] accordingly.

The same goes for setting validity on more than one of your offers, type in the offer names as defined under the respective categories.

Duration and validity

2. Settlement

edoobox offers you two settlement methods:

  • Reduce the offer price (gift vouchers).
    A gift voucher can be set to a predefined amount or offer a %-reduction. Applicable VAT will be deducted from the reduced amount. Note: a gift voucher reduces the amount for the price of a category only; reduction is not applicable to any additional services selected afterwards!
  • Allocate amount to total purchase amount (purchased voucher).
    Value of purchased vouchers are deducted like a partial payment. VAT is charged to the total purchase amount. This voucher reduces the total amount of a purchase/booking.

You can decide how many times you wish for your vouchers to be redeemable. When used for advertising purposes, a voucher should be redeemable without constraint. Ideally you set the number of redeems to correspond to your maximum number of participants or higher.


3. Minimum purchase amount

You can set a minimum purchase amount on your offer(s) eligible for a voucher. edoobox will only accept a voucher code if such minimum purchase amount is met.


  • For vouchers which deduct a fix amount, it is advised to set a minimum booking value upfront, e.g. if your gift voucher amounts to 50EUR, you shall set a minimum booking value of 250EUR.
  • Vouchers deducting a percentage of the total amount, you may null the minimum booking value and leave it to 0EUR.
  • No minimum booking value should be set on sold promotion codes as those vouchers will be calculated as a partial payment.

The voucher currency must correspond to your default currency. A voucher cannot be used across different currencies.

Minimum purchase amount

4. Create promotional codes

Gift vouchers allow for a trace-back if needed and at the same time prevent multiple-redeems of a code.

  • Set a text for a code (max. 15 characters) and edoobox will generate voucher-codes containing your text plus a six-digit code. You can set the number of codes to be generated.
  • If you leave the field «Code text» empty, edoobox will automatically generate 12-digit codes.
  • In order to create a single voucher with a unique code-text, enter the description in “Code text” and set number of codes to be created to 1.

Create promotional codes

You want to create 15 Voucher-Codes starting with a custom text, e.g ABC-XXXXXXX. Set your custom text in field «Code text» and «Number of codes to be generated» to 15.


Check «Codes preview» beneath for a preview of how the codes will be displayed. Change the text if needed. The requested number of codes will be created once you select «Save campaign»

Import voucher codes (from Groupon, DailyDeal etc.)

Upon creation of a promotional campaign, you can import as many externally generated codes as you want (limited to 500 codes per import). You can easily add external codes from platforms such as Groupon, DailyDeal etc to your promotional campaign. In order to do this, open a spreadsheet and enter/paste your codes under Column A one below the other and once finished, save it in format *.csv (CSV = Comma-Separated-Values). Import such CSV-file into your promotional campaign.

Export voucher codes

You can export voucher codes in Excel. If you want to create own customized voucher codes, be it one-time-only or multiple-use, you can do so using Create Form Letters functionality in Word and print the individual voucher codes.

Updated on 13. July 2017

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