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  2. Overview existing promotional campaigns

Overview existing promotional campaigns

Existing campaigns can easily be amended or modified.

Deactivate campaign

You can deactivate an entire campaign at any time via setting its end date to be earlier than your current date today.

A single code may be deactivated if marked on the list which will expand a new line, if you uncheck the box «Can this code be used» it will deactivate that respective code.

Modify campaign

When selecting a campaign to modify, all details are displayed including previously created codes. Select «Modify campaign» to generate additional codes or modify other elements of a promotional campaign.

Tipp: Previous setting may lead to unintentional creation of additional sets of voucher codes, make sure to set «Number of codes to be created» under step 4 to 0 before saving your changes.

Redeem voucher code

If you are running promotional campaigns, edoobox will automatically display an additional field in the participant registration steps where codes can be entered and redeemed.

Retrospectively redeem voucher code

In case a participant forgot to redeem their voucher during registration, edoobox admin user can assign a voucher code to a booking that has already been made retrospectively.

Copy an offer with an ongoing promotional campaign assigned

When copying an offer with an active promotional campaign, it is possible that such campaign is transferred into the newly created offer (see previous cipher 1 «Duration and Validity»). This applies to promotional campaigns valid for an entire category or all of the offers.

If a promotional campaign is assigned to one offer only, copying that offer will not copy the promotional campaign as well.

Updated on 22. May 2017

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